CIRCLE HAND SOCCER – Game of the Week – perfect for limited space and equipment

Sometimes you just need a quick game with limited equipment that takes up a small amount of space. This happened to us recently when our gym was transformed into an art gallery and our playground was too wet. Enter CIRCLE HAND SOCCER. Some play a similar game with a variety of names but this is our version.


  • One ball per group. I like to use a foam soccer ball. It’s safe to strike and it tends to stay grounded. If a ball is too light, it will often become airborne, exiting the circle without going through the “tunnels.”</li>

Set up:

  • Create groups of 10-12 students
  • Students hold hands to make a circle. When holding hands, students slowly walk backward until their arms are extended and straight.
  • Students drop their hands and open their legs until their feet are touching their neighbors. Each “tunnel” should be about the same size. The circle may need to be reset several times during a match.

How to play:

  • One student begins with the ball for the kickoff.
  • The ball can only be struck with an open hand.
  • Players attempt to strike the ball between other players’ legs. A goal cannot be scored on the player to the immediate left or right of the shooter until there are only four players remaining.
  • If the ball travels between a player’s legs (a goal), that player then turns around and must play backwards.
  • If a ball is struck between that same player’s legs a second time, that same player is out.
  • Each time a player is out, students must reset the circle since it will now be smaller.
  • The game continues until there are only two players left. These two players are the winner of the round.
  • Any player that is out, stands outside the circle to cheer and retrieve balls that exit the circle.

I begin playing this game with 4th-grade students. I’ve played it with middle school and high school students with equal amounts of excitement.

If you need a quick game with limited space and equipment, then Circle Hand Ball might be the perfect “back pocket” game for you and your students.

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Dice Doubles versus Cone Flip

Students enjoy quick challenges. Dice Doubles versus Cone Flip is exactly that. Mainly used as an instant activity, students roar with excitement when they enter the gym to discover what is first on the day’s plan.


  • As students enter the gym, half receive two dice while the other half receive a cone.
  • A student with dice partners up with a student with a cone.
  • Then it’s GAME ON!

Goal: To be the first player to either land the cone on its base or roll doubles with the dice first.

How to Play:

  • The challenge begins with 10 jumping jacks and a handshake (or knuckles)
  • One player rolls the dice while the other flips the cone, trying to land it on its base.
  • Whoever rolls dice double or lands the flipped cone first wins the round.
  • After each round, students acknowledge each other by saying “good game,”  trade equipment, and then search for another opponent.

The excitement and challenges are just two of the reasons I love this activity. It’s also sprinkled with fitness and promotes sportsmanship. It’s important to remind students prior to beginning and during DICE DOUBLES versus CONE FLIP to complete their jumping jacks and shake hands prior to EVERY round.

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That Flipping Cone Challenge can be used as an instant activity, a station, or even played by students who are on the sideline due to injury.

********I actually call it the CONE FLIP SHOWDOWN!*********

The setup is simple:

  • Place half the number of large cones as there are students around the gym.
  • Students each get a medium size cone,
  • Two students go to each large cone.
  • When the music begins, each student tries to be the first to flip the medium cone onto a large cone. The first to do it wins the round.
  • After each round, students shake hands.
  • The winner celebrates with 5 jumping jacks.
  • Each player finds a different classmate to challenge.

I usually play this game with fourth grade and up as an instant activity lasting 5-7 minutes. As the students are playing I always circulate around the gym seeking examples of good sportsmanship. Remember, after each round students shake hands or give knuckles to show appreciation for each other.

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