Families on the Move: Buying Tips for a Child-Friendly Home

Kids playing with pop it

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Embarking on a home move is a significant milestone, particularly when it involves the whole family. The journey from deciding to relocate to settling into your new home can be complex, yet it presents an opportunity for growth and bonding. This article provides insightful guidance on how to effectively manage a home move, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by families with children.

The Importance of Open Dialogue

As you prepare for your move, it’s vital to involve your children in the process. Begin by fostering an atmosphere of open communication. Address the reasons behind the move, what the process will entail, and most importantly, invite them to express their thoughts and concerns. This approach not only helps in alleviating their anxiety but also strengthens their family bond, making the transition smoother for everyone.

Energy Efficiency: A Key Consideration

In your search for a new home, prioritize properties that boast energy-efficient features. These homes not only reduce your environmental footprint but also offer long-term financial benefits. Features like solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and proper insulation contribute to a sustainable living environment, offering a comfortable and cost-effective home for your family.

Budget-Conscious Packing Strategies

When it comes to packing, be resourceful. Utilize low-cost or free materials like old newspapers or boxes from local stores. This not only saves money but also encourages a more sustainable approach to moving. Efficient packing strategies allow you to allocate your budget more effectively, ensuring a smoother transition to your new home.

Leveraging Support from Your Personal Network

Consider enlisting the help of friends and family for your move, instead of hiring professional movers. This approach can be more budget-friendly and adds a personal touch to the moving process. The support and camaraderie of loved ones can transform the daunting task of moving into a memorable and collaborative experience.

Embracing Family Fitness in Your New Community

Once you’ve settled in your new location, explore opportunities for family fitness. These activities not only promote health but also aid in bonding with your children and integrating into the community. Research local parks, community centers, and sports clubs that offer programs for families. These resources are invaluable for fostering a sense of belonging and well-being in your new environment. Jumpstart your journey to a healthier, happier fitness routine with Keeping Kids in Motion!

Building Social Connections in a New Town

Socializing in your new community is crucial. If you’re returning to your hometown, consider reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances. Online search engines can be a great resource for finding people from your past who are still in the area. Just input the required name, date of graduation, and school to swiftly access results. Establishing a social network in your new locale can significantly ease the transition for your family.

Remaining Patient

Throughout the moving process, patience and understanding with your children are key. Acknowledge that moving can be overwhelming for them. Maintain an open line of communication and offer reassurance. Your support and empathy during this time can make a significant difference in how they adjust to the new environment.

Introducing Your Family to the New Neighborhood

Before the actual move, take your family to visit your new home and explore the neighborhood. Familiarizing them with the new area can lessen anxiety and build excitement about the move. This pre-move exploration helps your children envision their new life, making the transition on a moving day much more comfortable.

Moving with children presents unique challenges, but with thoughtful preparation and a family-focused approach, it can be a rewarding experience. By maintaining open communication, prioritizing your family’s needs, and leveraging the support of your personal network, you can navigate this significant change with ease and confidence. Remember, a move is not just about changing locations; it’s about building new memories and starting a fresh chapter in your family’s story.

Amanda Henderson returns as a guest writer for Keeping Kids in Motion. Amanda is both a mom to two rambunctious boys and a preschool teacher, so she knows from experience how quickly a situation can become unsafe. She created and writes for Safe Children to educate parents on how to keep their children safe while also having fun. Greetings Amanda and thank you for your helpful words.

Parenting for Leadership: Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders from a Young Age


Amanda Henderson returns as a guest writer for Keeping Kids in Motion. Amanda is both a mom to two rambunctious boys and a preschool teacher, so she knows from experience how quickly a situation can become unsafe. She created and writes for Safe Children to educate parents on how to keep their children safe while also having fun. Greetings Amanda and thank you for your helpful words.


  Image via Freepik

Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children into future leaders. In a world where parents juggle numerous responsibilities, it’s crucial to recognize how their influence can foster leadership qualities in their kids.

From leading by example to teaching critical decision-making, parents have the power to mold their children’s abilities and character traits essential for leadership. Below, Keeping Kids in Motion shares some practical ways to cultivate leadership skills in your kids, even amid your busy life.

Leading by Example

Children often look up to their parents as their first role models. Therefore, parents’ importance as exemplary figures cannot be understated. When parents demonstrate qualities like integrity, resilience, and empathy, they inspire their children to embody these traits. By leading by example, parents can implicitly guide their children toward developing strong leadership qualities.

Leading by Personal Growth

Parents can lead by example in fostering leadership skills by pursuing online education for their own career improvement. If you’re considering further education, there are numerous online platforms to help with your search, offering a range of courses that fit various interests and professional goals.

Earning a degree online while balancing parenting responsibilities showcases commitment, time management, and the value of continuous learning. This approach benefits the parent’s career and serves as a powerful lesson for children in the importance of personal growth and education.

Encouraging Independence

Fostering independence in children is a crucial step in nurturing future leaders. Allowing kids to make their own choices and solve problems independently encourages growth and self-reliance.

This process builds their confidence and teaches them to trust their judgment, a key attribute of a leader. Encouraging independence lays a foundation for children to take initiative and lead in various aspects of their lives.

Teaching Decision-Making

Teaching children to make decisions independently is vital for developing their leadership skills. Decision-making is fundamental to leadership, as it involves evaluating situations, considering various perspectives, and making informed choices. Parents can start by giving children small decisions and gradually increasing the complexity as they grow. This practice empowers children to become confident decision-makers and leaders.

Goal Setting

Helping children set and monitor their own goals is another significant step in fostering leadership. Setting goals teaches children to aim for achievements and track their progress. This process instills a sense of direction and encourages self-motivation and perseverance. Achieving set goals boosts children’s confidence, which is a trait essential for successful leaders.

Promoting Cooperation

Effective leadership often involves working well with others. Teaching children the importance of cooperation and teamwork is therefore essential. Encouraging participation in group activities, sports teams, or collaborative projects at school helps children learn how to cooperate, communicate, and resolve conflicts. These skills are invaluable for leadership because they enable individuals to lead and work effectively in team settings.

Instilling Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is a key trait of successful leaders; instilling this in children from a young age is important. Parents can teach self-discipline through consistent routines, setting and enforcing rules, and encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions. Self-discipline helps children achieve goals, manage time effectively, and maintain focus—skills that are crucial for leadership.

Responsibility and Accountability

Teaching children about responsibility and accountability is integral to developing leadership skills. When children learn to take responsibility for their actions and understand the consequences, they develop a sense of integrity and trustworthiness. Parents can foster these qualities by assigning age-appropriate responsibilities and emphasizing the importance of honesty and accountability in their actions.

Parents play an instrumental role in fostering leadership skills in their children. You can effectively nurture future leaders by leading by example, encouraging independence, teaching decision-making, goal goal-setting, promoting cooperation, instilling self-discipline, and emphasizing responsibility and accountability. Despite the challenges of a busy life, prioritizing the growth and development of these skills in your kids is essential for their success as leaders of tomorrow.

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30 Days of Gratitude – Reinforcing gratitude with kids

Oxford Languages defines gratitude as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

I was sitting in my office last week when there was a gentle knock on my door. I turned to see three smiling faces staring through the window. I returned the smile as I opened the door. My fourth-grade friends immediately handed me a stack of thank-you notes for the physical education team. Touched by their gesture I returned their gratitude with a grateful thank you of my own.

It is rewarding to know that parents and teachers are still teaching their kids the relevance and the practice of gratitude. In a time when elementary, middle school, and high school students sometimes take their $700 phones and $100 sneakers for granted, teaching gratitude is essential. But like all good traits, it takes time to teach, learn, practice, and become a habit; it needs to be nurtured. 

Gratitude nudges us and reminds us (just like the fourth graders did) that kindness is everywhere and it starts with us.

Click here for 30 DAYS OF GRATUTUDE!

30 Days of Gratitude

30 Days of Gratitude is a challenge for kids to tackle throughout November or any month. It can be fun for an entire family. Its goal is to help reinforce ways to show appreciation for people,  places, and the things that make us happy.

  • Print out the 30 Days of Gratitude. (Set printer to “fit to print” to print full page w/o border)
  • Throughout November, try to check off as many boxes as possible.
  • How many boxes can you complete?
  • Bonus – check off boxes multiple times throughout the month.
  • Use the blank template to create your own 30 Days of Gratitude.
Click here for access to 30 DAYS OF GRATITUDE!